To do list:

  • More tabs:
  • Friends and neighbours tab?
  • Make site button? find a spot for it too if i do
  • Ninjago shrine
  • Marine bio shrine
  • Lotf shrine
  • Orca shrine
  • Alterhuman stuff somewhere
  • Site Button
  • Book Shelf
  • LEGO sets
  • Fix Art Page
  • Add to watchlist?
  • Double check sitemap is up to date
  • Organise links
  • Figures and sets wishlist
  • Clowns and such


Re-did Collections a little bit and added "Clowns and Such", yet to be coded.


Added the link to a figures/lego wishlist that i will code eventually. redid oagedoll, now its minipix. changed a few icons bc i lost the urls


Redid Diska Art Log and changed the flags on the left sidebar (from here)


DVD shelf is up !!


Collections page is up and so is the CD rack!!


Rearranged 2nd nav bar + added Collections page to it. Will start coding Collections page in a tick. Named the site Orcinus Cove uh


Webrings and Booklist are up n going


Sitemap is in! thinking of ways to make it prettier still lol


Started adding to thehoard, added new blinkies to left side bar, fixed main content height to match

im settling in for a long night bc i have lots of things i want to do but now its movie break, the labyrinth or maybe the good heart


Shrines page is up and running but shrines r yet to be coded lol


Added bubble cursor


Redid the entire home page bc i fucked up and lost it all. also the webring page wont be up for a while bc i have to sort some things out with what page has permission w it but ill get to that. for now webring/s will be on the homepage at the very bottom


Added new nav bar and adjusted site to fit + changed featured song to Let's Go - King Stingray


Added the Autists online webring button/index link to the home page!


im not sure why but a my site updates specifically havent been updating properly, or well, they do and then i come back and they r gone. idk why. theres like 3-4 updates missing now good lord. uhh off the top of my head i: fixed overflow height, fixed some major nav issues, added a new gif on the right sidebar, added a somewhat temporary gif at the bottom of the home page to fill space and added the bubbles

if this deletes i will cry /od


added art page content, links content, infodumps page content, book log content, and the guest book!!! oh also fixed a small issue with the link from the infodumps page to the links page

ok i have been working on this for hours straight its good omens time now bye bye


getting this place up and running! added side bar content, home page content, diska art log content, thoughts content, and site updates content

will update again today but i gotta go walk my dawg WHO IS LICKING MY FEET RN GOOD LORD

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